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How can one create and strengthen relationships within the world, whether they are with friends, family or participants/viewers of a project? How can I talk about that need? I write a love letter to a friend, a family member, a stranger, viewer of my work. What does it mean to each of these people? Do I find some quality in them that they do not themselves see? Does the recipient find it reassuring to be acknowledged through such a gesture? Or does it alienate them? Does it minimize our isolation, if even only momentarily? Do art projects demand love or recognition from their viewers?

I wonder...

I wonder if the conflicts and the struggles, the failure and hope against failure, the reaching out beyond loneliness and isolation in relationship are not what make love so meaningful. I wonder...if minimizing the contradictions and difficulties is not to minimize love itself. I I, as an artist, can connect with you, the viewer, who I rely on not only for recognition, but to complete the work by viewing it, reacting to it, and extending it. I it effects you and you effect it.

I want to love you well.

media: 37 letters, 36 sent,1 not sent, 29 returned opened, 1 returned unopened, 3 thrown away, 2 lost, 1 not returned (the recipient wanted it to remain private), 1 not requested ( I didn't want the recipient to misunderstand)

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